Labour Ministry Forms A Panel To Discuss On The New Minimum Wage Fairs

The labour ministry has formed a committee to look again into the matters of fixing minimum wages to see that everybody is earning a proper living and the cost to maintain a minimum living standard and also the size of an average family.

Nirmal Singh 3C Company says that the committee sat before The Central Advisory Board discussing the Minimum Wages Act in the meeting held in New Delhi. The committee consisted of various members representing employers and employees, industry stakeholders and trade unions.
The major points discussed in the meeting were no caps in the present for minimum wages and the states having the cap not following the wage. There has been no meeting regarding the minimum wages in the past seven years, and with the unemployment rate and the increased rate of living it has become important to look into the minimum wages for both skilled and unskilled labour.

Nirmal Singh 3C Company says that the fixation of the minimum wage is very important for every state. Every individual in our country deserves to get his share of pay and a pay that is in response to the work he does, be it skilled or unskilled. Not having any minimum wage rate gives the employers a chance to exploit its employees. Minimum wages in every state is different, and they are set in accordance to the cost of living in that particular state. For example, in Delhi, the state government decided to hike the minimum wages for the unskilled workers to ₹ 13,350 month against ₹ 9,724 per month earlier. For the semi- skilled and skilled persons the wage has been increased to ₹ 14, 698 from ₹ 10,764 and from ₹ 11,830 to ₹ 16,182 per month.

The State uses the three- unit system to decide the minimum wages. But this was made in 2010. Nirmal Singh 3C Company says that ever since then, with then change in the economy and the blooming market, they make claims that the three- unit system is not sufficient for the state to decide because the children continue to stay with the family for longer periods.

After the Supreme Court’s decision ruling that parents be taken care of by children in 2010, they said that two more units should be added and then minimum wage should be decided by the six- unit formulae rather than three, says Nirmal Singh 3C Company


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