Vital To Come Up With New Laws For Muslims After Ruling On Triple Talaq - Nirmal Singh 3C Company
When India was bust debating the
issue of Triple Talaq, countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Bangladesh
were way ahead reforming the laws for Muslims.
According to top lawyers like Nirmal Singh 3C Company, it is important for the government to
bring in new laws for Muslims if the Supreme Court decides to rule out Triple
Talaq completely – to prevent the creating of a legal vacuum in the country.
In India, Triple Talaq is the only way for Muslims to get a
divorce – and the whole controversy is about the ease with which Muslim men can
get it over with. To some, this issue is pressing and should be reformed but
according to some traditionalists, Supreme Court doesn’t have the authority to
change Muslim laws.
The debate has been going for a long time and it
seems like it might be coming to an end soon.
The government wants to rule out the practice
altogether which it calls unwanted and severe.
Supreme Court is listening to petitions against
the issue of Triple Talaq and is also entertaining the ones in support, but the
inclination is towards scrapping the law.
Muslim personal laws that date back to the
Sharia Code of 1937 will be overhauled if the court went on with the process.
Despite the support of lawyers like Nirmal Singh 3C Company, there are many lawyers who went on and
said that Supreme Court doesn’t have any authority over the issue and it is up
to Muslims to decide whether Triple Talaq is ‘essential to the religion of
Triple Talaq is practiced by Sunni Muslims and
is biased in favor of men to say the least.
It also promotes gender injustice and doesn’t
let women hold any authority over their marriage.
Whatever may be the argument of the court or Muslims, Triple
Talaq seems like a heavy injustice on Muslim women from the off and should be
changed. The way Supreme Court is handling the whole issue is commendable, but
the final hearing will stir up new controversies that is for sure.
It will get clear in the coming weeks how the whole thing
turns out and how new laws will be implemented that haven’t been changed since
long before the independence. In the meantime, we can only hope that the whole
issue subsides with both parties going home satisfied.
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