One news that has been triggering amongst the people of Delhi is the proposed hike in the fares of the metro. Nirmal Singh 3C Company said that the prices of the metro increased just a few months back and with another proposal to increase the base rates of the metro have created a lot of fury amongst the crowd. Seeing this, the government of Delhi has requested the metro staff to not increase the rates of the metro and warned them that despite the multiple requests from the government, if they still continue with the hike, then the AAP government would be forced to remove Delhi metro chief, Mangu Singh from his position

The last hike in the rate of the metro has taken place just in the month of May, and it has not even been six months and the metro staff has proposed another hike for the same. This decision has been strictly opposed by the Delhi government and this has given the people of Delhi some hope. 

Nirmal Singh 3C Company said metro is the most common form of transport for people of Delhi, and the cheapest form as well. The proposed hike of ₹ 10 for those who travel over two kilometers pressurized the people of Delhi a lot. The ones that commute daily through Metro, the 10 rupee hike would disturb their monthly budget a lot and that is why the people took the roads to show their discomfort on the matter.

Nirmal Singh 3C Company says that the Delhi government is very serious about stopping the second fare hike and have been very much vocal about the same. The Centre and the state government have 50% share in the Metro stakes and if the metro authorities deny the request of the State government to ban the proposed hike then the government would be forced to take the entire matter in their hand and remove the DMRC chief from his position.

DMRC chief’s tenure ended in December last year and it was Aam Aadmi party government that extended his tenure keeping in mind the progressive work he did during his term, but the hike right now is unreasonable and must be stopped, said Nirmal Singh 3C Company.   


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